Modern Paint Damage Atlas

The Modern Paint Damage Atlas was developed within the project ‘Cleaning Modern Oil Paint’ see background

Do you have questions about ‘Modern Paint Damage Atlas’? Tips, remarks or other feedback on the website or specific about the Paint Degradation Identification Tool? Please contact Klaas Jan van den Berg.



This website has been designed for those who work with, use, or are interested in modern paints and the various degradation phenomena that can be found in paints and on paintings since the invention of the portable paint tube.

website structure
On this website you can find info & background of this project and why the website was created, similar projects and partner projects with other organisations. A dictionary which contains relevant terms that are associated with the various degradation phenomena and a literature library of all the relevant articles that have been collected so far, sorted under their relevant phenomena. The literature related to each phenomenon is also found on the page describing the phenomenon itself.

The identification tool has been designed to help you identify a potentially unknown degradation phenomenon.
This section has been divided into five groups for ease of use. The tool uses questions, by answering the questions you'll find the phenomenon you have encountered. The top results (has the largest amount of points) are the most likely to be the degradation phenomena.

All the degredation phenomena are specifically described, accompanied by related terms, relevant literature and clear images (where available).
website staff if you are able to share it!
Under this section you will also find the page on water sensitivity. This page gives a literature review of the causes and current treatment ideas regarding water sensitivity in modern paints (oils and acrylics) and provides an extensive reference list for further reading.

Paint Components describes some of the comp section will be extended in the future by compiling and describing more paint components as they are discovered and researched.